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London Qigong Workshop Saturday 1st April

I’m glad to announce the first in our series of workshops taking place in London for 2017

Join us for a day of exploration into the fundamental neigong principles that inform and give life to

Qigong, Taiji, Bagua, Xing Yi and Nei Dan.

We will work through six fundamental neigong exercises and explore the underlying principles that give meaning to this work-

the root and the heart of the internal method.

The day will be open to all, from beginner to advanced, all are welcome.

Saturday 1st April 9.30am-5pm   £60

St Georges Church, Bloomsbury. WC1A 2HR

Upper Hall Vestry (access via Little Russell St)

*invite a friend and both get £10 off*

For details and to reserve your place, please email Saul

I look forward to seeing you there!

Nei Gong London Xingyi

Spring Nei Gong Workshop

Brighton QI Gong

Internal Intent UK will be holding a weekend workshop on the 8/9th of April 2017. This will be an opportunity for all to further deepen our Nei Gong work. This will hopefully be a good opportunity to prepare for Roy’s European workshops.


Dates: Sat 8th and Sun 9th April 2017

Time: 9.30 – 17.00

Location: Longhill Sports Centre , Falmer Road, Brighton, Rottingdean BN2 7FR

For more information or to book please contact


Bristol Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – Saturday 18th March

Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – “Eight Pieces of Silk” and associated Neigong.

Join us for the next instalment in Bristol, where we will be deepening and broadening our understanding of neigong and it’s applications.

With a special focus on health practice, we will have an introduction to this very accessible eight exercise qigong set, renowned for it’s healing and life promoting benefits, it is ideal for enhanced health and for increasing your day to day vitality.

Saturday 18th March 9.30am – 5pm       £50

Lincombe Barn, Overndale Rd, Downend. BS16 2RW

**invite a friend and both get £10 off** (ie someone who has not attended one of my previous workshops)

For more info and/or to reserve your place, please email Saul:


Bristol 18th February One Day Workshop

Exploring Qi Gong through six fundamental Nei Gong exercises – the Root and Heart of the internal method.

The first time Internal Intent has offered this work in Bristol, this is a unique opportunity to discover the Nei Gong principles that inform and give life to Qi Gong, Taiji, Bagua, Xing Yi and Nei Dan.

This promises to be an enlivening and profound day of exploration into the internal arts – from complete beginners to the more advanced, all are welcome!

Saturday 18th February 9.30am-5pm £50

Lincombe Barn, Overndale Rd, Downend,Bristol. BS16 2RW

** invite a friend and both get £10 off **

For more info and to reserve your place email Saul:

saulneill@gmail.comNei Gong London Xingyi

Chinese New Year 2017

qi gong Nei gong

As we move in to the year of the Fire Rooster we will be having a number of workshops and celebrations to mark this movement in to the next year.

There will be a weekend workshop and celebratory meal in Vienna on the weekend of the 28/29th of January, this will be followed a week later on Sat 4th February by a one day Xing Yi Dao workshop in Brighton and in the evening another celebratory meal.

Vienna workshop details

We are pleased to let you know about the Chinese New Year’s weekend workshop with Keith in Vienna:
Date: 28/29 January 2017
Time: Sat 28th: 9.30 – 17.00
Sun 29th: 9.30 – 15.00
Location: Taborstraße 71/1a
1020 Vienna (2. District)
Cost: € 60
This workshop is suitable for all current students.

Important: The training hall has an immaculate parquet floor on which we are not allowed to walk on with street shoes, so please bring seperate (and clean) training shoes with soles that do not stain the floor (no black soles – except some of the black vivobarefoot soles apparently do not stain – please check!) and change into them once you get there, otherwise I might have to ask you to remove your shoes…

For those coming from abroad we will try our best to accommodate you with one of us, or help find suitable accommodation in the right area (air bnb or hotels). Please let me know accordingly as space is limited.

On Saturday evening we will be welcoming the Fire Rooster Year with a celebratory meal and the (almost traditional) fortune cookies with Roy’s messages – more details to come in a seperate email.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be attending the workshop and/or the meal :

and wishing you all a happy new 2017!


More info about the hall:
The training hall is rented from the Feldenkrais Institute and is reachable by public transport:

Tram no. 2 (Station ‘Heinestraße’ – 1min walk)
Tram no. 5 (Station ‘Am Tabor’ – 3 min walk)
Underground U2 (Station ‘Taborstraße’ – 7 min walk)

If you come by car, there are parking spaces nearby, especially around Klanggasse & Heinestraße.,+1020+Wien,+%C3%96sterreich/@48.2231945,16.3803738,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x476d07a96ef2a451:0x8c2461d98bf3a1ba!8m2!3d48.2231945!4d16.3825625

For food, there are cafes & restaurants near the U2 station Taborstraße, and the closest supermarket is at the tram 5 Station ‘Am Tabor’.

Tea, coffee and kitchen facilities will be available at the hall.

Once you register, I will send you an entry code for the door, otherwise you can also press the ‘Feldenkrais Institute’ bell to get in.

If you have any questions once you are in Vienna, you can reach me on my mobile 0043 680 2214432.

Brighton workshop details

Date :Sat 4th February

Time:9.30 – 4.30

Location: Longhill Sports Centre, Longhill School, Ovingdean

Cost: £30

This workshop will be suitable for all current students